Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Truth About Money Blog

What is the truth about money?

The truth about money is that it is misunderstood for the most part. Did you know that money should serve us, not control us? If we take a look at the subject today, we can see that we have built our lives around it. You go to school to learn how to earn money and you go to work approx. 8 hours per day to earn money. We need to stay alive and we need money to do so. That is an obvious truth, wouldn't you think?

96% of the world population works for an employer or is an employer to earn money and society has accepted this as the truth about money. "It is just the way it is, no matter how hard we complain!", is a saying that without a doubt, has been spoken about a lot of times. 3% of the population lets money work for them in form of projects and investments and only 1% earns about 96% of all the money that is being earned in the entire world. Now these are shocking facts, but very true!

"Money is power, just like knowledge", is what they say, so 1% of the population holds almost all the power and the rest has to settle for scraps. Look at an average working environment where certain amount of people direct other people. They think that they truly have some power and integrate this belief in their behaviour. The important thing is that they forget, that even while they are leading others, they are fulfilling the dreams of others; not their own. The ones on top of the hierarchy are reaping the benefits and this system has been spread out all over the world and that is the truth about money.

When we grow up, we learn about this "money system" and we make most of the decisions based on that system, more often than we know. Think about career or goal setting. "I want to finish college to become a successful banker", is a good example of this "money system". The idea of becoming a banker is according to our society reachable with proper education and when we think about reaching a goal outside that system we say: "Ahh, who am I kidding? It is just a dream and nothing more!". Sounds familiar? The truth about money is that most of us think we are totally at the mercy of the "money system".

"No Johnny, I don't want you to participate in that network scam. Just get a regular job and earn your money like everyone else!". This is an example of a concerned parent, filled with the fear of failure, because she has seen her share of failure in the past and doesn't want the child to be a part of that failure. Giving up dreams seems easier. It is worse, but comfortable worse.

A Forgotten Truth About Money

Did you know that money has been created to make us remember what sharing is? A long time ago before we used money, we traded items and food and the part we have forgotten about is the emotion of joy we traded with. Unity was very common before we developed the will to be better than each other and because of that corrupted will, joy got replaced with greed.

Today, a lot of people believe that money is evil. We see the majority of men struggling, because most don't have the financial resources to realize their deep material desires; and controlling emotions all the time isn't easy; so that makes it more difficult to live with. When we observe facts from the past we can see that a lot of money has been wasted to warfare and other useless goals, while that money should have been used to feed the ones in need, so it isn't a strange thing that some believe money is evil. However, the truth about money is still different.
I remember the many discussions I have had with people about money. It seems that whatever I said, I couldn't convince some of them that money has a purpose. I heard things like: "Money is evil, it has destroyed our world, it will be the end of us!"

Let me tell you this: Just because some people use money in a wrong way doesn't mean money is evil! On the contrary, money can be used to achieve great objectives. We fear it, because we let our lives be controlled by it and we keep looking back. When it comes to money, most people are extremely careful, because this fear holds dominion in that aspect of our lives! The truth about money is that we don't want to lose what we have, now do we?

Recognize The Opportunities

Do you remember the part of 1% of the world population that earns about 96% of all the money being earned in the world? The secret of their success is this: Multiple Sources of Income!

The majority of men believe that it must be quite hard to generate some good cashflow, while others don't seem to understand why people don't see that it is rather easy to make a lot of money, really. There are plenty of opportunities out there to create financial success and still most of us don't recognize those opportunities. Personally I believe that this is the doing of a natural design; an act of nature.

See, the universe works with an absurd accurate precision that every little detail has a purpose. The wind blows in a certain direction, so seeds will land exactly where they were supposed to land. The choice of words are an exact manifestation of the thoughts we hold in awareness and we speak them exactly when they have to be said. The truth about money is that there is no difference when it comes to money either; it is a matter of behaviour and development.

When you are born in a rich family, you don't have the emotional recollection of building riches from nothing up. That is where: "Money doesn't make you happy!" comes from. Having money is one thing, but having money with the right emotions is another. We know that a lot of rich people aren't happy because they have a lot of money, but they learn to be happy by visualizing what they have without money. A lot of people without money teach themselves that they need to have money in order to be happy.

I believe that you need to reach a certain level of consciousness to be able to recognize what truly makes you happy and then the right opportunities shall present themselves to you, in order to keep that happiness alive. Often we make the mistakes of copying the footsteps of others and fail to take the maximum out of those opportunities, because we lack the understanding and emotional balance.

Others are successful because they walk their own path, being themselves and goal oriented instead of copycats. Of course you can use methods that are proven successful, but I think you need to be aware of why you make your choices. Do you make the choice out of fear, because you are in debt or are you doing it out of passion; out of growth and love?

I tried to be successful with network marketing, I tried three different ones in fact, but with all I started because I wanted to get out of debt. Now this is what happened: I thought about debt and these thoughts caused the emotional equivalant; I felt the debt. When you feel debt you act on it, because people act on what they feel. Because I acted on the negative emotion of debt I made mistakes and failed.

What Can We Do To Adjust The System?

Do we need to adjust the system? Answer: Market crash! Uhm, yeah I think so.

There is a learning process for the path to success, always; that is nature! If you think that people are successful out of chance, you're wrong. If someone wins the lottery it doesn't automatically mean that person is happy for the rest of his or her life. A successful person is able to remain successful no matter what circumstance will present itself. It is someone that knows the truth about money and other aspects in life. Success means you are able to control your thoughts and emotions and that you have the ability to teach others to create their own success!

Money should not be seen as a needed source for survival, because that is why we have built our lives around it. It could be seen as a tool in order to achieve certain goals. Money is the digital and material currency to pay for labour and labour is needed to achieve global goals. Personally I use internet marketing for income, because it creates the possibility to have a lot of spare time that can be used for important things. I am sure that you could do a lot of useful things if you had more time to spare, right? (a somehow stupid question, but still worth mentioning)

I have prepared some free materials for you to learn about these opportunities. There is no doubt that you or people you are close to really want to make use of these opportunities. Make sure to share this blog (The Truth About Money)with people you know and spread the word. There are many things to be learned and these sources will give you a splendid answer to the question: "Where am I doing all this for?"

Visit the website

To Your Success,

Ramesh Klinkert

This blog "The Truth About Money" has been created for the Goal Achieving Community at